Baby Kaiya {Langley, Surrey, Maple Ridge, Fraser Valley Newborn Photographer}

Baby Kaiya was born in December and her Mama requested a special composite image reflecting the season. I think this one was just perfect, despite our actual lack of snow this winter!

I absolutely love creating these - they do take some special shooting during our session and then some extra time in Photoshop, but I love the finished images! Stay tuned for a blog post all about these types of images! For now, read on to see more images from baby Kaiya’s session!


We started our session with baby Kaiya on creams. I absolutely love shooting on cream. I have been tempted several times to become an “all cream” studio. I could never actually do it as I do love other colours, but for me, cream is classic and timeless and just so perfect to showcase a new baby.

For those of you who have been following my work, you will know that this pose, called “womb pose,” is one of my all time favourites. Kaiya comfortably folded up into this pose, likely just how she was in Mama’s belly.

For those of you who have been following my work, you will know that this pose, called “womb pose,” is one of my all time favourites. Kaiya comfortably folded up into this pose, likely just how she was in Mama’s belly.

Before our session, Kaiya’s Mama shared that her favourites were images in which babies were swaddled, so we bundled her up for some of these beautiful images. I am proud to offer high quality props and this hand knit wrap with natural wool is one o…

Before our session, Kaiya’s Mama shared that her favourites were images in which babies were swaddled, so we bundled her up for some of these beautiful images. I am proud to offer high quality props and this hand knit wrap with natural wool is one of my very favourites. It comes from a woman in Australia who hand knits these and sends them all the way to Canada for me!

Baby Kaiya’s parents shared that she is a rainbow baby. For those who are unfamiliar with that term, it is a term commonly used by parents who have experienced a loss and then go on to have another baby. As a Mama myself, who has experienced losses, these families hold a special place in my heart. And while it feels like an honour to be chosen to photograph all my babies, it feels incredibly special to be photographing a rainbow baby. For baby Kaiya’s family, I hope these images both honour their loss and celebrate baby Kaiya for who she is. These next few images celebrate life, love and baby Kaiya!


Baby Kaiya fit perfectly into one of my favourite props, my little drawer! She got comfortable and had herself a little nap.


Baby Kaiya’s parents decided to be a part of her newborn session and I just love the sweetness we captured! Here are a few of my favourites of this family.


We ended our session with one more set of images of Kaiya. How sweet is she in one of the beautiful, handmade outfits in my collection?! I just love this colour on her!


I hope you have enjoyed this little peek into Kaiya’s newborn portrait session. I’m planning on more blog posts for the near future. If there is something specific you would like me to blog about, comment below! Any ideas for me? What would you like to see more of? I’d love to hear your comments below!

And if you are expecting a baby and would like to chat with me about a newborn session for your new baby, please feel free to contact me here.

Liana Maione

Newborn Photographer

Langley, Surrey, Vancouver, Coquitlam, Richmond, Maple Ridge, Chilliwack, B.C.

Liana Maione